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 After much thought and prayer, I have made the decision to run for Texas State Representative House District 68 because we need conservative leadership in the Texas House, not someone who rails against our values, sides with Democrats, and then pretends this is not the case. 

As a conservative to the core with experience building a successful business, I am stepping up to restore the House back to the people of Texas. 

I am a wife of 41 years, a mother and grandmother who has worked to keep Texas RED for over 20 years. When my husband Bob and I moved to Cooke County, we invested our time in local and state Republican organizations including volunteering as delegates at the last two Republican state conventions.


 My deepest passion is lifting others up and helping them succeed. I have done this in my business, with my family, within my community, and by promoting conservative causes. Through my business I coach others on how develop their skills and prosper. Outside of the office, I have mentored teen mothers and have been a court-appointed children’s advocate. Everyone deserves a shot at the best life, but under the roof of the Texas capitol, we’re not getting anywhere close to our state’s best. 

Texans, myself included, are beyond frustrated that despite a Republican majority, the House just cannot pass Republican voter priorities. The Speaker and his capitol cronies continue to kill vital legislation by appointing Democrats to House chairmanship positions.

This past session has proven to be the worst. 

At a time when we are fighting to save America, the Texas House ignored their duty to secure our border, restore election integrity, and protect our kids and instead attempted to impeach the most conservative and effective Republican Attorney General in state history, one who is leading the charge to stop the disastrous Biden agenda.

Our politicians aren’t listening, but I am. I’ve heard from so many conservatives who are disappointed and fed up with the Republican Party leadership. It’s time to stop electing politicians who say one thing and do another. It’s not enough to call yourself a conservative, we need leaders who act like it!


For Texas,

Kerri Kingsbery



Protect our Children

The Texas House has been quick to tout their victory to stop child modification, but that is the bare minimum. We need to be vigilant about the materials our kids consume at schools and in libraries. We can’t allow an agenda of transgender values to become the norm. I’ll fight for legislation to safeguard our children from exposure and indoctrination to these ideas. 


Secure our Border

Our government has had so many chances to address the constant flow of illegal immigrants flooding our borders every day. And they’re bringing drugs, weapons, women, and children to sell. What will it take for our leaders to understand that this crisis needs our immediate attention?


Protect our Land

Texas is blessed with a rich environment for agriculture to flourish and grow our economy. But not if we keep allowing Chinese nationalists to buy up our land. We can’t risk our security or economy by giving China access or ownership over our soil, and I’ll put a stop to it. 


Take Back the House

Between attacking conservatives and propping up Democrats, House leaders have gone soft on standing up for our values. We can no longer count on them to champion basic Republican issues like life or the Second Amendment. There is no excuse for it. We must have a representative who fights for us and doesn’t worry more about their street cred with Austin politicians and insiders than they do with the people back home who elected them. Join me. It’s time to take back the house and restore conservative values. 


Restore Election Integrity

Restore felony penalties and enact civil penalties for Election Code violations, which shall be enforceable by any Texas jurisdiction, including the Texas Attorney General. 


Ban Democrat Chairs

To ensure all legislative Republican priorities are given a fair opportunity to become law, the Republican-controlled Texas legislature shall adopt a rule that would end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats. 


Parental Rights and Educational Freedom 

Parents are the primary decision-makers for their children in all matters. This authority shall be protected as an inalienable right. This shall include the choice of schooling where the money follows the child without strings attached. 


Lower our Taxes

As a business owner who understands that homeowners are struggling to keep up with their property taxes, I am ready to get to work on a solution. We should never be in a situation where we are renting our home from the government. 

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